Today I had to take my two
year old daughter to get a simple blood draw. It was the first time we have had
to do this since we became her parents back in December. To all my friends who
are experienced parents this may seem laughable (or maybe you remember back to
a moment you felt the same way) but this was perhaps the most horrible
experience of my life. I had to be the one to hold her arm still while they
stuck her. As she screamed and wept and looked for me to defend her, the
betrayal in her face as I was instead the one holding her down and subjecting
her and forcing her to endure the pain, it was more than I could bear. The first vein would yield no blood, so
I had to then take her other arm and do it again. I know, I know. She has long forgiven
me and forgotten the whole thing, and most of your children have been through
things far more serious than a couple of little needle pricks. I know that I
will have to endure far worse with her myself if, by God’s grace, I live to
raise her. But this was the first time I have had to do anything like that, and
it brought out emotions I had never felt before. I’d never wanted to punch a
nurse for doing her job perfectly well. I had never felt the searing pain of
seeing that accusing look in my daughter’s tear soaked face, and yet to persist
in aiding in her pain because I know it is the right thing. I am new to
fatherhood, and to this side of love, and it hurt. A lot.
I am not big on
speculating about the emotional states of biblical characters. I don’t think
that’s generally the point. But I do think there is something to be said for
the fact that the faith of Abraham is held up in scripture as the faith that
all believers are to aspire to. The faith that was ultimately expressed in a
willingness to lay down the life of his own son. I have never been able to
imagine what that moment on mount Moriah must have felt like, but now I find my
eyes literally growing moist just thinking about the scene. Would I have put
Lexy on that altar? Would I have trusted God enough to do what Abraham did? Do
I have a faith that would pass such a test? I realize now more than ever just
how frail my faith truly is. The faith of Abraham is a wonder to me, and of
Isaac for that matter, who seems to have submitted to the whole thing right to
the end.
I recently read a striking
passage in work by Messianic Jewish scholar Dr. Michael Brown where he
“There is a midrash that says at the time of
creation, when God was about to make man, the angels asked what man's
significance was. One of his answers was this: 'You shall see a father slay his
son, and the son consenting to be slain, to sanctify my name' (Tanhuma,
Vayyera, sec 18). That was the height of sacrificial service: A father offering
his own son, and the son willingly laying down his own life for the glory of
God. Yes, I know that sounds like the gospel. In fact, the midrash compares
Isaac, who carried on his shoulders the wood for the burnt offering (himself),
to 'one who carries his cross on his own shoulder'"
This brings me to an even greater point. God the
Father loved me enough to send His own Son to be beaten and mocked and murdered
in my place. God the Son loved not only me, but loved His Father enough to
willingly go to that end, to redeem a wayward and wholly unworthy people, least
of all a faithless wretch like myself, for the eternal glory of the Father. The
unimaginable love within and pouring out from the triune God is simply beyond
comprehension! As the hymn proclaims so well:
“How deep the Father’s love for us
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure
How great the pain of searing loss
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the Chosen One
Bring many sons to glory”
At every stage of
life I seem to find new reasons to have my breath taken away by this awe
inspiring reality. Words simply cannot describe the greatness of our God, and
the incomparable magnitude of the greatest act of love the world has ever
known, made more indescribable still by how completely and utterly undeserved it
is and how truly unable we are of returning such love in kind. If this is not a
reason to walk in the faith of Abraham, I can’t imagine what would be. In the
end, God did not require Abraham’s son, He instead required His own.How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure
How great the pain of searing loss
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the Chosen One
Bring many sons to glory”
My Brother once wrote a song relating to our own father's struggle back when my brother was eight year old and required open heart surgery. It is worth a listen:

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